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Grow your Community

🎯Relevnt 101: Grow and expand your audience

Posting and promoting engaging content is key to growing your Community.

Complement your core content, better engage viewers by sharing outside links about your industry, start discussions on topics pertaining to your niche, and respond when others contribute. 

  • Getting your Community an audience takes some time, don’t give up. This stuff takes time and dedication. Keep at it!

  • We are here to help! Got an idea or a way we can partner up? Let's talk


 Creating Awareness and Promoting from your website

Add your Community Button to Your Website

People who visit your website are very likely to become the first Members of your Community. Use our embedded Community buttons throughout your website to turn visitors into mobile Community Members.

To configure your Community button, simply download the kit, and embed the button throughout your website in a high profile spots on your homepage, sidebar, header or footer.

Example of Community button in site header

Example of Relevnt logo link straight to your mobile Community in site footer

Add Community hyperlinks in artciels and blogs.

Create hyperlinks throughout your website's content to drive mobile users to your Community.

Step 1 - To create a hyperlink, you need to click on the Link button in most editors or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K (or Cmd+K on Mac) to quickly insert a hyperlink.

Step 2 - When you click on the "insert link" button, it will bring up a popup window. In the URL field, you will copy and paste yourthe actual hyperlink (your Community URL), and in the link text field you will add the text that will be linked (#YourCommunity).


Creating Awareness and Promoting from your email newsletter

Combine Community button and hyperlinks in your newsletter

Example of's newsletter outreach to their audience that drives everyone to their new Community.

•Step1 - Add a short message to introduce your contact list to your Community. Example, "Be the first to know on our mobile Community #YachtingMag." We suggest also taking a screen shot of your Community and include it in your newsletter to display as a hyperlink. You can right-click on both the text or picture and click Hyperlink in the shortcut menu.

•Step 2 - Copy and paste your Communitie’s URL link with the new Community button

•Step 3 - Include the Community button or Relevnt logo alongside your branding


Social Media

Social media is one of the most important tools that makes your job easy. It never hurts to casually ask audiences on social networks like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit or YouTube to come join your Relevnt Community. Its important to select the right social outlet where most of your potential members are.

  • Drive your audience to your official mobile-first destination - increase engagement where your audience is at - on mobile.

  • Contact influencers - ask them to share your content and increase traffic to your Community.

🎯 EXTRA - Promote the idea of getting new members to mark your Community "Relevnt NOW" (the more people that have you marked as "NOW" in their feeds, the more repeat engagement you'll get out of your content).


Search Engine Marketing

Your Registered Community is officially a new mobile-first domain, which is searchable and discoverable over the web (try it out: open your web browser and search "#CelebsForCharity"). You can use Google Search Engine Marketing to aim users to your new mobile-first destination to drive better, long lasting engagement. We're making search "sticky."

  • Complement your current search engine marketing initiatives by directing mobile audiences to the place where they will spend more time - your mobile Community.